a backpacker's life

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Visiting Family

Sister Stephanie, Me, Dad Mike, Brother Michael, Sister Christy

Red and I hitched up to Indiana to see my family before we head west for half a year. We had cookouts, laughs, Pizza King, and Red got a tour of my life, so he could have faces and places to go along with the stories I tell.

My mom, Kathy, and step-dad, Warren)

Afterwards, we spent the night at my mom's house in Peru, Indiana. While unpacking and setting up our places to sleep, I saw Red sitting on the couch sort of staring at nothing.

Me and my gramma. Where I inherited my sarcastic sense of humor. I love this woman so much

"You alright?" I said. "Yeah," he said. "Just seeing your family happy today. I don't know. It made me realize I want a family of my own." I feel like he summed it up better than I could no matter how many words I wrote, so I will leave it at that. Thank you everyone for the hospitality and food this weekend. I love you guys!

The Weirich Family (my mom's side)