My Route Across Ireland
The northern route includes a 115-mile road walk from Dublin to Northern Ireland where I'll get on the eastern section of the International Appalachian Trail along the northern coast to Larne where I'll take a ferry to Troon, Scotland. Total length including road walk, about 270 miles and will take about 2 weeks to complete.
This route will take me along mountain paths, forest and coastal trails, quiet country roads, old coach roads, unpaved roads, old miners' tracks, through Irish villages, along rivers and upland lakes, across green rolling hills, steep-sided glacial valleys, past ruins, and ancient burial sites. I'll spend my nights stealth camping and asking farmers for permission to sleep on their land, and hopefully occasionally being invited indoors to meet the people of Ireland.
I'm still working on my route across Scotland. More on that later. If you have suggestions or comments please let me know.