I know this bothy doesn't look like much, but when I stepped inside, its metal roof turned the sound of the rain into a source of comfort rather than discomfort
My feet were soaked from the many creek crossings, but the bothy had plenty of firewood stacked up next to a fireplace. By morning, the fire had dried out my clothes, but I woke up with the sound of rain still pattering the metal roof, so I went back to sleep. I wasn't going to leave the comfort of that bothy until it stopped. It didn't stop until 4 PM.
So I took the day off. The next morning's forecast had a much better outlook.
Still gray, but without rain, I finally headed toward Fort William passing first beneath the Glenfinnan Viaduct. This was made famous in the Harry Potter movies when the students are being shipped off to Hogwarts by train.
But that isn't the Hogwarts Express.
I met some fellow Americans at the Glenfinnan Monument. Everyone says American's don't travel abroad, but I meet as many Americans as any other nationality outside Britain. Or maybe I just notice their accents more.
They looked at me like I was crazy. It was easily the coldest morning so far on this trip. "And you actually enjoy walking in this all day?" she said with the look of someone whose picnic was just ruined by the weather. "I enjoy it a lot more than sitting in a cubicle all day," I said. That's absolutely true, but admittedly I was also cold. In fact, I had just decided it might be time to buy one more layer of clothing.
But a few hours later, it became one of the warmest days in weeks. It all comes down to the clouds really. Their sporadic nature determines if I'm going to be cold, warm, wet, dry, miserable...
...or in awe. It's hard to stay mad at them for too long.