October in the Scottish Highlands

I met Charlie in Inverness before starting the Cape Wrath Trail. He was hiking north, but had to take some time off in Inverness after getting bitten by an adder, Scotland's only venomous snake. After days of not seeing anyone on the trail, it was good to see a familiar face standing outside the bothy. 

After a number of creek crossings, muddy trail, and sopping wet bogland, I was glad to be on solid ground again.

And have a few hours without rain to get a few photos.
This is me walking a few yards for a picture before turning back to get my camera.
The famous shaggy red-haired Highland Cattle

They are almost like a mascot of the Scottish Highlands.
Even though rain has kept my camera packed away a lot in Scotland...

...when the sun comes out, it's hard to put it away.