Thank You Derek, Melissa, and Vonda!

I want to take a step backward in time and thank a few people for helping me decide to buy the bike. First, the people at Keswick Bikes for letting me hang out in their shop all day while I debated with myself. They weren't pushy at all and didn't seem to mind how long I was in there. They spent a lot of time answering my questions and gave me a lot of good advice. 

Also Vonda, from Peru, Indiana, sent me a donation so I could get a roof over my head, a shower, and a real bed some night. I used it on that cold and rainy day in Keswick to warm up and give myself the night to contemplate my decision to cycle rather than continue walking.

Also, to my cousin Derek and my step-mom Melissa, who made the decision a much easier one. They offered to contribute money toward the bike fund if I purchased it. Actually, in the case of my cousin Derek, he also demanded that I pretend to win the Tour de France like Pee Wee Herman in Pee Wee’s Big Adventure. Although, truth be told, that was going to happen anyway.

Thank you all!