The Lake District

While walking, I've been shipping a box with my laptop to towns I plan on staying in overnight. This is commonly called a bounce box to long distance hikers. I sent the box a couple weeks ahead of me before buying a touring bike, then stayed for a week with some friends in Coalville in Leicestershire, England. Anyway, my laptop will be with me now, so I should be able to keep the blog more up-to-date. Before buying my bike, I walked through the Lake District.

These photos are a couple weeks old, but as one of the most beautiful areas in northwest England, I wanted to post them anyway.

Luckily, it didn't rain on the hike up, but that would change... of course :)

Although the rain didn't last long. 

Although cycling has been a nice change of pace and a whole new experience, which can be exciting and exhilarating at times, one thing I will miss from walking...

...are those beautiful places that you can only get to on foot.